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Our holiday house at the adriatic sea

deutsch Es gibt auch eine deutsche Fassung dieser Seite.

Blick auf die Bucht von Stara Novalja The picture to the left shows a view on the bay of Stara Novalja on the island of Pag. Our holiday home is at the end of the bay. In the background you can see the Velebit montains. Further left, that is to the north, but not in the picture, is the island of Rab.

Here are the most important data:

Map of croatia with the island of pag and Stara Novalja
Blick vom Haus auf die Bucht Blick vom Meer in Richtung Ferienhaus
If you are interested in spoending your holidays here sinply write us. If you would prefer another accomodation we will happily help you..

Here is a form for a holiday reservation.

This shows the actual reservations for our holiday home.

Pictures of Pag and its surroundings.

We also make contacts to a near diving school and other accomodations.

The actual reservations for our holiday home.
Form for a holiday reservation.
Informationen concerning Stara Novalja
Informationen concerning Novalja
Further accomodations
Pictures of Pag and its surroundings
GSM 900 map of the surroundings of the island of Pag.

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© All rights reserved by Inga and Klaus Wiemers. This includes the rights to copy or distribute.
March 2000

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