Here you can see the last changes concerning our internet pages.

This site with the URL KJWIEMERS.DE is all new.
We also changed the design of in order to have the same design on both sites.

Before it was possible to see most of the contents also under these adresses:

We have made the navigation more easy and improved the ergonimics of it. We hope you appreciate it.
The french pages were introduced in November 1998. They are still missing a lot of translations, which is also true for the english pages. But we promise to apply our process of constant improvement to it. Please excuse any inconveniences and use missing translations to improve your knowledge of ohter languages. Learning another language helps very much to understand the people speaking it!

© Alle Rechte bei Inga und Klaus Wiemers, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtanmeldungen. Wir behalten uns jegliche Verfügungsbefugnis, wie z.B. Kopie- und Weitergaberecht, vor.
© All rights reserved by Inga and Klaus Wiemers. This includes the rights to copy or distribute.
November 1998